Blogging During a Job Search: Why a Passion Blog Is Important
Half of all employers check out applicants’ social media presence BEFORE they contact the applicant. If you write a “passion blog” about your professional niche, you can create an immediate good impression with hiring managers, impressing them with your skills and industry knowledge.
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Passion Blogs Give You a Chance to Explore Careers and Yourself
After graduating college, at least half of the graduates don’t know exactly what they want to do for the rest of their lives. If that’s you, how do figure out what career is right for you?
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How to Create Your Personal Brand Using Social Media
Are you a recent graduate feeling lost in the daunting (and often depressing) job-hunt? Don’t worry, that’s how I felt after graduating, too. I was sending tons of resumes into what seemed like a black hole.
Blogging To Land A Job Step #2: What do I write about?
Light some candles. Sit in a darkened room. And concentrate … HARD. If you think that’s how to find your passion blog topic, then, boy, do I have some good news for you: it’s not. In fact, it’s a lot easier than you think.
Picking the perfect picture for your “Me Site”
The single most important element of your Me Site is a great photo. It is your first impression. It must instantly fix you in the mind of the hiring manager in the role you are seeking.
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